My grade 1-3 classes have thoroughly enjoyed being part of this team blog doing activities together for International Dot Day on the 15th September 2018.
Today grade 3 wanted to reply to the Australian ‘Connect the Dots’ challenge. However, instead of doing this in the comments section we thought we would do a map story reply. Each student was assigned an Australian team to reply to. Last week we loved using the Quiver app so our stories combine the Australian teams words and the Quiver app inspiration.
Memories from the Quiver app
The task
- Using the provided world map (which is a royalty free map) write a quick imaginative story about the journey of your dot as it comes alive and leaves the classroom taking you with it.
- Make sure you use the words from your assigned Australian team. Underline or colour the words that they ask you to use.
The outcome:
Here are the stories:
Thank you for inspiring us Team Australia.
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